Biblical-Literacy Internet Team

Mission Opportunity All Through November

For all of November  bring a backpack filled with some or all of the items listed below. The women of Bib Lit are putting together these backpacks to BLESS women who are homeless.

On December 4th Lorraine Hibbert would love to have a small team of ladies join with CHAMPIONS 4 HOPE MINISTRY to distribute the backpacks. There are usually two teams that go out ( Spanish and English speaking). We would like to have about 3 ladies who speak Spanish and 3 who speak English if possible. 

God has already started Blessing this opportunity—-we are getting small Bibles donated so that each backpack you bring will have a bible put in it.

“We LOVE because HE first LOVED us”  1 John 4:19

1. socks
2. underwear
3. feminine products
4. toothbrush and paste
5. deodorant
6. travel size shampoo/conditioner/shower gel
7. travel size Wet Ones or wipes 
8. non-perishable snacks (NO FRUIT CUPS OR APPLESAUCE PLEASE)
9. 8 oz bottles of water
10. travel size Kleenex

For more information and to join Lorraine in the delivery, email her.

Lanier Men’s Group – Fall 2021

The purpose of this 8-week session is to show the “Humanness of Humans” revealed in Biblical Characters and IS STILL a reflection of us today. Then, like now, God was/is willing to forgive and equip us to be men of God!

Some of the Human Characteristics that stand between God and man, both then and now are:



August 16th                         David (Max)

August 30th                         Pastor – “Being A Man of God”

September 13th                 Noah/Daniel (Bill)

September 27th                 Abraham (Mel)

October 11th                       Moses (Greg B)

October 25th                       Joseph (Ed)

November 8th                    Solomon (Greg S)

November 22nd                  Jesus (Max)

Chapter 4, Part 4 – Biblical Law; The Ten Commandments: Mark Lanier, 11/08/20

Mark continues with A Trial Lawyer’s Brief on Biblical Law: A Reflection of God’s Character with a focus on the fifth and sixth of the Ten Commandments.

Mark dives deep into the fifth Commandment: Honor your Father and your Mother (Ex. 20:12), and the sixth Commandment: You shall not murder (Ex. 20:13). Mark looks at the kaved, or weightiness, of the commandments as a direct reflection of the Law Giver.